What Are The Penalties For Theft And Shoplifting Charges?
In Delaware, theft and shoplifting are both considered criminal offenses that can carry significant penalties if you are convicted. The specific penalties you may face will depend on the circumstances of your case, including the value of the merchandise stolen, your criminal history, and other factors. Some potential penalties for theft and shoplifting charges in Delaware include:
Fines: If you are convicted of theft or shoplifting in Delaware, you may be required to pay fines. The amount of the fine will depend on the specific offense you are charged with and other factors, such as the value of the stolen property.
Imprisonment: Depending on the severity of the offense, you may be sentenced to serve time in jail or prison if you are convicted of a theft charge or shoplifting in Delaware. The length of your sentence will depend on the specific offense you are charged with, your criminal history, prior convictions, and other factors.
Probation: In some cases, you may be sentenced to probation instead of or in addition to jail time. If you are on probation, you will be required to follow certain rules and restrictions, such as checking in with a probation officer or staying away from certain people or places.
Community service: You may be required to perform community service if you are convicted of thefts or shoplifting in Delaware. This can include tasks such as picking up trash, cleaning public spaces, or performing other community-oriented tasks.
Restitution: If you are convicted of theft or shoplifting in Delaware, you may be required to pay restitution to the victim or victims of the offense. Restitution is a monetary payment that is meant to compensate the victim for any losses they suffered as a result of the offense.
Criminal record: If you are convicted of theft or shoplifting in Delaware, you will have a criminal record that can impact your future employment opportunities, housing options, and other aspects of your life.
If you are facing theft or shoplifting charges in Delaware, it is important to seek legal representation from an experienced attorney. Your theft lawyer can help you understand the potential penalties you may face and work to achieve the best possible outcome in your case. Working with the prosecutors, it might be able to get your case dismissed, depending on the faces, or make a plea deal, especially for a first-time offender.